Primary is where the journey begins, the start of thirteen years of formalised education. Because learning begins the day a child is born, by the time they arrive at school they already have a wealth of knowledge and understanding in place. Our Primary education program at Tweed Valley Adventist College builds on this knowledge base and assists students to establish connections between what they know and experience and what they will discover in the classroom.
We offer our students a superior educational opportunity that builds on a careful foundation in key learning areas. We challenge each student to discover his/her particular gifts and talents in a variety of ways and believe that each child is unique and special.
Our experienced teachers recognise that each child learns at a different rate and in a variety of different ways, and are therefore able to facilitate learning so that each child reaches their full potential in their own time.
Our students are actively engaged in their education through a vibrant Board of Studies program which is relevant and useful in everyday living. Building on a solid foundation in literacy and numeracy we enable all of our students to discover and develop their special gifts and talents. Learning support is also available to address areas of need.
Academic excellence in the Primary Campus is encouraged through supportive teaching methods and a structured academic program which includes all Years 3 and 5 students participating in compulsory NAPLAN standardised assessments each year.
Our Curriculum
The Key Learning Areas in our curriculum are:
- Biblical Studies (Adventist Encounter)
- Mathematics
- English
- Human Society and Its Environment
- Science and Technology
- Personal Development, Health and Physical Education
- Creative Arts (Visual Arts, Music, Drama, Dance)
Nurture for today, learning for tomorrow, character for eternity.